Mandkani Wellness Collective

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Sh!t I learned from my kids - Finding time for quiet...

     This morning was a busy morning. Up early to visit with Nigel for a few minutes before he headed for work out of town. He travels a lot for work, and doesn't have a set schedule, so we really don't know when he will get a chance to come home again. Even though it was a P.A. Day for the kids, we had to leave the house early so that I could work. So they packed up some fun things to do, and headed off to Nanny's house for a visit while I taught. 

     After that we didn't really have anything planned, so when the kids asked to go down by the river for a lunch picnic, I was all over it. And while we were there, we snuck in a little meditation, a little quiet time. It is obviously hard to get kids to just sit and close their eyes, and empty their mind. It is however, remarkably easy to get kids to sit and watch baby fish. So we did just that.  Ate lunch, kicked our shoes off, threw down blankets, laid as still as possible in the warm sun, and watched those little fish swim, try and eat bugs, and be thrown around by the current.  

     Lunch at the river obviously wouldn't be complete without a mini polar plunge. I don't know how they do it, I wouldn't even be able to put my big toe in without turning into an ice cube.

     What do you find works to help your kids enjoy some quiet?