Mandkani Wellness Collective

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Sh!t I Learned In YTT - Failure is fine, just don't let it stop you...

    In this world of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, sometimes it is hard to know what is real. Many people saw that post a while ago about how you shouldn't trust everything you see on social media, how sometimes things are edited or cropped to give the illusion of success.

     Today I did something a little different with my practice. I recorded myself. Not to make a beautiful video for Instagram, but so I could watch my own alignment. It occurred to me that I have no idea what I look like practicing yoga. I am not concerned with physical beauty in my practice (although I do typically feel beautiful while I practice, it is coming from somewhere inside of me, not from my cute outfit or my zen face), but now that I have begun to teach classes as part of my teacher training, I wanted to see what my alignment was like. I wanted to see how I physically performed the poses. If I could see anything that I could correct. I recorded my entire asana practice, and then I sat and watched it. I practiced poses that I have been struggling with, so that I could have a new perspective on the posture. I noticed something that might get me closer to reaching that one bind that I have been working on. I aaaaaalllllmost was able to get into side crow, a.k.a., my nemesis pose for the last year, and I noticed a few things I can try next time.

     As I sat there watching, I also noticed something else. I was proud of myself. Proud that after struggling with this pose for a year, I still practice it. Proud of how far I have come with this post baby body in terms of my strength. Proud of myself for being okay with failing over and over again. Because one day, hopefully really soon, I am going to get this nailed down, and I am going to think of the journey that brought me here. I will think of the letting go as much as I think of the building up. I will think of the bruised arms, cheekbones and ego. I will think of it all.

     So here is a portion of my video. I edited it, just to make it shorter, because, really, you don't want to watch me sweat and puff through my flow. And that part where I moved from Prasarita Padottanasana, to Sirsasana II, to Bakasana, even though I have worked my ass off to be able to do it, could come off as showoff-ish, and there were many times that I tried it and couldn't do it. But I will share this little failure with you. Because failure helps us grow. Because failure is the best teacher. And, because we have all experienced failure at one time or another.

See this content in the original post

*Disclaimer. There is laundry drying on a rack behind me. Because this is a real house. And, there are baskets containing folded laundry and winter items that I had finished sorting. And, when I fall for the 4th time in a row practicing parsva bakasana I sighed out of frustration, because I am a real person, and I get pissed off sometimes. Even in yoga.*